Extension Foundation Online Campus
Search results: 256
Idaho Master Gardener (MG) Pesticide Safety Education Course Site houses the university Pesticide Policy module and the Idaho MG Handbook chapter 9 Using Pesticide Safely module. The Idaho MG will learn the university pesticide policy instructions and how it relates to making pesticide recommendations, plus learn basic pesticide safety practices.
For more information contact: University of Idaho Extension Pest Management Program at cals-ipm@uidaho.edu
- Teacher: cals ipm
This course will prepare individuals for the Idaho State Department of Agriculture pesticide exams: Private Applicator (PA) Applicator Core Competency (CO), Regulatory Pest Control (RP) and Commercial Apprentice (CA) category.
You will have access to eight online instructional sessions to complete at your own pace. Each session contains an outline to use for enhancing your study and quizzes to evaluate your knowledge.
For more information please contact: University of Idaho Extension at cals-ipm@uidaho.edu
The fee for this course is $35-one month access. To purchase and enroll in the course, click the following button:
- Teacher: cals ipm
These self-directed modules are designed for educators who work with youth, adults, and communities, as well as Extension administrators interested in increasing cultural awareness. The modules are designed to
- introduce you to foundational terms related to cultural competencies and equitable practices, and
- encourage you to explore dimensions of culture.
You will engage in reflective activities and are encouraged to utilize the supplemental resources to further your learning.
At the conclusion of these modules, you will have an increased awareness of common terms related to diversity, inclusion, and equity. You will be asked to reflect on your own identity and make connections to the diversity of cultures around you. These modules are centered around intercultural and social justice competencies (Bennett, 1986; Ginwright & Cammarota, 2002; Teaching Tolerance, 2018), and the 4-H Professional, Research, Knowledge and Competencies related to Access, Equity and Opportunity (PRKC) (4-H National Headquarters, 2017).
Authentic dialogue and the development of one’s cultural competencies and empathy, requires more than engaging in a series of educational modules. Developing one’s cultural competencies requires lifelong self-reflection, learning about diverse groups and communities, and a commitment to better understanding historical barriers that exist for marginalized groups in society. You are encouraged to continue your learning through the various recommended resources highlighted throughout the modules.
- Instructor: Nia Fields
- Instructor: Renae Oestmann
- Instructor: Seth Teager
This course provides valuable insights and practical tips for applying the principles of behavioral economics and persuasion to school meal programs to meet USDA requirements and encourage healthy food choices and consumption among children.
This course has three sections and will take about one hour to complete. For each section you will be asked to read a short introduction and watch the corresponding video (approximately 20 minutes). Once you've have completed the video, you must correctly answer a comprehension question to move on to the next section.
Upon adequate completion of the three sections, please fill out the brief questionnaire to receive your certificate of completion. If you are a member of the School Nutrition Association you may earn one Continuing Education Credit by completing the course. In the final questionnaire, please indicate your SNA membership number and the certificate will be emailed to you. You may also use this course towards USDA's School Meal Professional Standards requirements.
For more information about the course please contact Katie at healthy_food_choices_in_schools@cornell.eduIntroduction to Child Development Associate Training
This is a restricted course. Participants must be enrolled the University of Nevada Reno Extension Child Care Excellence Academy
- Teacher: Lori Amian-Gabriel
- Teacher: Marybel Arreguin-Lopez
- Teacher: Jessica Floyd
- Teacher: Maria Jake
- Teacher: Cathryn Peshlakai
- Teacher: Chelsie Shurtleff
- Teacher: Sarah Wright
- Teacher: Kathy Anderson
- Teacher: Colleen Brady
An Introduction to Organic Dairy Production is a self-directed course designed for Extension educators and other agriculture service providers, as well as farmers and students who want to better understand certified organic dairy farming. It is made of ten modules on key organic dairy topics. Each module combines required readings, narrated lessons, optional homework exercises and recommended resources, and end-of-module quizzes.
For more information, contact Amanda Gervais at amanda.gervais@uvm.edu.- Teacher: Susan Brouillette
The Introduction to Southeastern Prescribed Fire course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental basics of prescribed burning in Southeastern forested ecosystems. At the end of the course the student should have a working knowledge of fire law, fire terminology, fire prescriptions, fire safety, firebreaks, smoke management and a basic understanding of how to conduct a prescribed burn. This course is not intended to take the place of state Certification courses, workshops, or experience in the field. Rather, it is intended to give students a basic understanding of the principles of prescribed fire and fire effects.
- Teacher: Jennifer Fawcett
- Teacher: Dwayne Hunter
- Teacher: John Weir
- Content Specialists: Elliot Nauert
Irrigation and Nitrogen Management User Education/Certification Program is an online course for NRD personnel and producers. Participants will learn about groundwater pollution, concerns about nitrates in groundwater, soil texture impact, precipitation distribution, crop needs, and best management practices to protect surface and groundwater.
For more information or to enroll please contact:
- Mary Jarvi, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, mjarvi1@unl.edu
- Leslie Johnson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, leslie.johnson@unl.edu
- Teacher: Leslie Johnson
Keeping Your Horse at Home will teach you how to be safe around horses. It focuses on basic horse behavior, proper horse handling, safe attire and equipment and safe riding on the trail.
- Teacher: Kathy Anderson
- Teacher: Colleen Brady
Esta capacitación cumple con la necesidad de tener entrenamiento acreditado de seguridad alimentaria según LB 262 (2024), como parte de la Ley de Alimentos Puros de Nebraska. Este curso aborda las leyes específicas de Nebraska y entonces quizás no refleje las leyes de otros estados o países.
Esta capacitación está respaldada por el Departamento de Agricultura de Nebraska, el Departamento de Salud del Condado de Douglas (Nebraska) y el Departamento de Salud de Lincoln y el Condado de Lancaster (Nebraska).
El costo de este curso de $25.
- Teacher: Cindy Brison, MS, RDN
- Teacher: Kezia Huseman
- Teacher: Melinda Nolan
- Teacher: Linda Reddish
- Teacher: Angie Rushman
- Teacher: Deborah Weitzenkamp
This course is designed for horse owners and professionals who will learn methods for determining whether your horse is over- or under-weight, the implications of both conditions, and how to safely bring your horse to its ideal weight. The content is
The fee for this course is $10. To purchase and enroll in the course, click the following button.
If you purchase at least $40 worth of courses from this category, you can receive a 20% discount by entering the voucher code of HorseQuest20.
- Teacher: Kathy Anderson
- Teacher: Colleen Brady
- Teacher: Laura Kenny
Managing Invasive Species in Landscapes is an online course for Master Gardeners looking for further certification or home gardeners.
Students will learn how to identify and manage a variety of invasive species such as spotted wing drosophila, brown marmorated stink bug, Japanese beetles, and downy mildew. Once you have completed this course and received a certificate, you will receive Master Gardener credit.
For information or to enroll please contact:
Mary Meyer, meyer023@umn.edu or
Echo Martin, mart1794@umn.edu with University of Minnesota
- Teacher: Vera Krischik
- Teacher: Mary Meyer
Manure Application Training – Liquid Manure is an online training for manure applicators, especially for those who are new to the industry. Learners will be guided through the seven steps of manure application—Equipment Inspection, Loading Manure, Driving to the Field, Preparing to Spread, Manure Spreading, Visiting Potential Clients' Farms, and Handling Manure Spills.
After the training, learners will know how to apply manure properly, improve manure handling safety, and increase professionalism in the industry. Please note that learners should practice the steps outlined in this training in their daily work in order to master the knowledge and skills for manure application.
For more information or to enroll please contact:
- Kevin Erb, University of Wisconsin-Extension, kevin.erb@ces.uwex.edu
- Charles Gould, Michigan State University-Extension, gouldm@msu.edu
- Mary Keena, North Dakota State University, mary.keena@ndsu.edu
- Melony Wilson, University of Georgia, mlwilson@uga.edu
- Douglas Hamilton, Oklahoma State University, dhamilt@okstate.edu
- Teacher: Kevin Erb
- Teacher: Janice Kepka
Manure Management Strategies provide the participants the opportunity to learn the importance manure management to minimize the environmental impact of the waste. Composting, and other scientifically proven strategies are discussed.The participants will be able to identify the water quality concerns in regards to manure management, recognize the worst and best manure management practices and describe composting practices and benefits. This course offers a badge and is one of several available in the HorseQuest Badge Portfolio. This course includes a video, a learning lesson, and a quiz.
For information contact Kathy Anderson, kanderson1@unl.edu
- Teacher: Kathy Anderson
- Teacher: Colleen Brady
This class series is designed for people who are considering or in the beginning stages of starting a farm as a business.
The Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course is a ten-week introduction to the foundational topics an aspiring farmer in Maryland should know. Topics covered will include business planning, marketing, crop production, livestock husbandry, soil health, pest management, food safety, and regulations and certifications. Additional elective resources will cover more specialized topics, such as organic production, urban agriculture, and direct marketing to local customers.
The course is offered every winter, from February through April. It meets once a week for 10 weeks. You can attend entirely online, or there are two optional in person classes held simultaneously in several locations in central Maryland, depending on how many people RSVP from each county. There will also be readings/homework each week here on Extension Campus.
If you have any questions, please contact Neith Little at nglittle@umd.edu
Equal opportunity and accomodation:
University programs, activities, and facilities are available to all without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, age, national origin, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, religion, protected veteran status, genetic information, personal appearance, or any other legally protected class.
If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in any event or activity, please contact Neith Little by phone at 410-856-1850 x 123 or by email at nglittle@umd.edu on or before January 15.
Los programas, actividades e instalaciones de la universidad están disponibles para todos sin distinción de raza, color, sexo, identidad o expresión de género, orientación sexual, estado civil, edad, origen nacional, afiliación política, discapacidad física o mental, religión, estado de veterano protegido, información genética, apariencia personal o cualquier otra clase legalmente protegida.
Si necesita adaptaciones razonables para participar en cualquier evento o actividad, comuníquese con Neith Little a número teléfono 410-856-1850 x123 o al correo electrónico nglittle@umd.edu antes el quince de enero.
Les programmes, activités et installations universitaires sont accessibles à tous sans distinction de race, couleur, sexe, identité ou expression de genre, orientation sexuelle, état civil, âge, origine nationale, appartenance politique, handicap physique ou mental, religion, statut de vétéran protégé, informations génétiques, apparence personnelle ou toute autre classe légalement protégée.
Si vous avez besoin d'une commodité raisonnable pour participer à un événement ou activité, contactez-vous avec le bureau d'extension de l'Université du Maryland. 410-856-1850 nglittle@umd.edu
대학 프로그램, 행사_및 시설은 인종, 피부색, 성별,성 정체성 또는 표현, 성적 지향, 결혼 여부, 나이, 출신 국가, 정치적 소속, 신체적 또는 정신적 장애, 종교, 보호재향 _군인, 정보, 외모 또는 법적으로 보호를 받고 있는_기타 계층에 관계없이 누구나 이용하실 수 있습니다.
행사 활동에 참여하기 위해 적절한 숙박 시설이 _필요하시다면 해당 지역의 메릴랜드 대학교 확장 사무소에 문의해 주시기 바랍니다. 410-856-1850 nglittle@umd.edu
Программы, деятельность, и объекты материально-технической базы Университета доступны всем желающим, независимо от их расовой принадлежностирасы, цвета кожи, пола, гендерной идентичности или гендерного самовыражения, сексуальной ориентации, семейного положения, возраста, национальностип, политической принадлежности, физических или умственных ограничений, религиозных взглядов, наличия недостатков, религии, статуса защищенногозаконом статуса ветерана вооруженных сил, генетической информации, внешних особенностей, а также другим категориям населения, права которых охраняются законом.
Если для участия в определенном мероприятии Вам необходимо, чтобы обеспечивалось разумное приспособление, учитывающее Ваши индивидуальные потребности, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с Вашим местным офисом-представительством Университета Мэриленда. 410-856-1850 nglittle@umd.edu- Teacher: Shannon Dill
- Teacher: Andrea Franchini
- Teacher: Sarah Hirsh
- Teacher: Dwayne Joseph
- Teacher: Neith Little
- Teacher: Kelly Nichols
- Teacher: Haley Sater
- Instructor: Erika Crowl
- Instructor: Andrew Kness
- Instructor: Emily Zobel
The audience for this course is:
By taking this course, students will learn:
For more information or to enroll please contact:
- Teacher: Heidi Barker
- Teacher: Rebecca Betts
- Teacher: Suzanne Cagle
- Teacher: Faye Cragin
- Teacher: Zeanny Egea
- Teacher: michele kroll
- Teacher: Kristen Landau
- Teacher: Melissa Lee
- Teacher: Alyssa Lemmermann
- Teacher: Sara Oberle
- Teacher: Jessie Paine
- Teacher: Kenesha Reynolds
- Teacher: Bettina Sietz
- Teacher: Caitlin Wollack
- Teacher: Michael Young
Mitigating Pollinator Decline in Landscapes is an online course for Master Gardeners looking for further certification or home gardeners. Students will learn the basics on different kinds of bees, why they are in decline, and how homeowners can work to conserve them in the landscape. Once you have completed this course and received a certificate, you will receive Master Gardener credit.
For information or to enroll please contact:
Mary Meyer, meyer023@umn.edu or
Echo Martin, mart1794@umn.edu with University of Minnesota
- Teacher: Vera Krischik
Mortality Composting is a self-directed, fee based course for Ohio farmers. Participants will become certified to practice mortality composting on their farm from taking this course. This course must be completed by an Ohioan who plans to use composting to dispose of livestock mortality. The course is broken down by chapters following the Composting Manual which you can download below. Each chapter is presented via PowerPoint with voice-over. You are free to move at your own pace and will become certified once you have passed the final test.
Course fee: $17. To purchase and enroll in this course, please click here.
For information, contact Amanda Douridas, The Ohio State University, at douridas.9@osu.edu
- Teacher: Amanda Douridas
- Teacher: Ashley Kent
- Teacher: Lydia Maunz
National 4-H Headquarters Overnight Chaperone Training is a self directed course for volunteers and staff that will attend National 4-H Headquarters’ events. Participants will learn effective ways to discipline youth, recognize signs of abuse, and how to deal with emergencies.
For information or to enroll contact Sarah Torbert at storbert@uwyo.edu
- Teacher: Sarah Torbert
- 1sttime attendees
- Anyone involved in an NPDES-Permitted NODT construction project
- Contractors involved in any aspect of the installation of erosion and sediment control Best Management Practices on NDOT Construction projects.
- Basic understanding of NDOT policies and State regulations for stormwater management on construction sites.
- Knowledge of the process of soil erosion.
- An understanding of basic drainage, topography, climate, and other factors that influence soil erosion potential on construction sites.
- An understanding of the practical installation of erosion & sediment control Best Management Practices, following NDOT Standard Specifications, Special Provisions and Standard Plans.
- This online Installer Certification course includes a series of presentations and quizzes that an applicant must successfully complete in order to print off their re-certification certificate. You can self-enroll, and there is no cost. You will need to create an account with a valid email address. Course Link:
- The Installer Certification Course contains Four (4) modules. At the end of each module, you will go through a five-question quiz with questions pertaining specifically to the module. You must get all five questions correct before you can move on to the next course module.
- Course materials will accompany the different modules as needed for reference.
- Upon completion, this Installer Certification is good for 5 years.
- This Course is a prerequisite for the NDOR Erosion & Sediment Control Inspector Certification
- To be a Certified Inspector, you must complete the NDOR Erosion & Sediment Control Inspector Certification course.
- Teacher: Megan Patent-Nygren
NDOT Local Public Agency Right of Way Training is a Self-directed course for Local Public Agencies who will learn step by step procedures and practices for the fair and comprehensive acquisition of property needed for the completion of publicly funded local projects.
For more information or to enroll please contact Megan Patent-Nygren, University of Nebraska, at mpatentnygren2@unl.edu
- Teacher: Megan Patent-Nygren
This certification is required to all personnel who are monitoring the maturity meter for accepting testing. The maturity method is a simple technique for predicting concrete strength in lieu of conventional cylinders. Certification is required of all individuals utilizing the maturity method. Individuals certified for NDOT Maturity Method Field Monitoring will know the basic use and terminologies associated with the maturity method. They will have the knowledge and tools available to them for the installation of wires, monitoring concrete placement temperatures, calculating the Time-Temperature-Factor and documentation of data.
Certification Duration: 5 Years
Individuals that have already taken the “NDOT Maturity Method Field Monitoring” certification training do not need to take the web based course. Check RUG or SiteManager to if you’ve already received the “Maturity Method Field Monitoring” certification.
If you have questions about tracking this certification, please contact Site Manager Materials Staff at Dor.sitemanagermaterials@nebraska.gov, or 402-479-4760.
For information or to enroll contact Megan Patent-Nygren, University of Nebraska LTAP at mpatentnygren2@unl.edu
- Teacher: Megan Patent-Nygren
This Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector Recertification course seeks to maintain the expertise of "Qualified Personnel" for construction site inspections. Qualified Personnel are those that have completed the live NDOT-LTAP Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector Certification training course within the past five (5) years.
IMPORTANT: This course is available only for those that have previously obtained NDOT Erosion Control Inspector Certification. If you have not attended a live NDOT Erosion Control Inspector Certification Course, and have not been issued a 4-digit certification number, you are not approved to enroll in this course. If you proceed with enrolling in this on-line RECERTIFICATION without previous certification from NDOT and NE LTAP, then you will not be issued certification and will need to attend a live course offering.
For information or to enroll contact Megan Patent-Nygren, University of Nebraska LTAP at mpatentnygren2@unl.edu
- Teacher: Megan Patent-Nygren
Responsible Charge (RC) Training is a self-directed course designed for local public agencies. Participants will learn planning, organizing, designing, constructing, and maintaining their public transportation facilities when seeking Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Federal transportation funds from taking this course.
For information or to enroll contact Megan Patent-Nygren, University of Nebraska LTAP at mpatentnygren2@unl.edu
- Teacher: Megan Patent-Nygren
The audience for this course is: middle school youth interested in rabbits
By taking this course, students will learn: Rabbit anatomy and physiology, health care, nutrition, and basics of rabbit management
For more information or to enroll please contact: lisa.karr@unl.edu
- Teacher: Lisa Karr
Beef Cow
Basics-Plus is a 12 module course that provides cutting edge information on nutrition, forages, supplements, and
economics. A short quiz at the
end of each lesson for self-assessment assures that concepts are
understood.Once all of the quizzes are completed, a certificate of completion can be printed. Modules include: Goals for the Cow/Calf Producer, Basic Considerations for Cow Nutrition, Metabolizable Protein System, Minerals and Vitamins for Beef Cows, Replacement Heifer Nutrition, Basic Ration Formulation, Forage Analysis and Inventory, Perennial Forage Production, Annual Forage Crops, Alfalfa Production: Opportunities for Improvement, Livestock Grazing Management on Range and Pasture, and Feed Ration Economics. It is important that you, as a beef producer, have confidence, competence, and direction to be a successful livestock producer. Beef Cow Basics-Plus will help capitalize on your own unique resources and skills. It provides the basics for anyone interested in beef cow production including high school students, homeschool students, older 4-H and FFA members, community college students, and university students.
This course has been approved for 12 American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists (ARPAS) Continuing Education Units (CEU’s). For more information contact Troy Walz, Nebraska Extension Educator, at troy.walz@unl.edu
To purchase and enroll, click the appropriate link below:
- Teacher: Steve Pritchard
- Teacher: Troy Walz
- Content Specialists: Mary Jarvi