Enrollment options

Manure Application Training – Liquid Manure is an online training for manure applicators, especially for those who are new to the industry. Learners will be guided through the seven steps of manure application—Equipment Inspection, Loading Manure, Driving to the Field, Preparing to Spread, Manure Spreading, Visiting Potential Clients' Farms, and Handling Manure Spills. 

After the training, learners will know how to apply manure properly, improve manure handling safety, and increase professionalism in the industry. Please note that learners should practice the steps outlined in this training in their daily work in order to master the knowledge and skills for manure application.

For more information or to enroll please contact: 

  • Kevin Erb, University of Wisconsin-Extension, kevin.erb@ces.uwex.edu
  • Charles Gould, Michigan State University-Extension, gouldm@msu.edu
  • Mary Keena, North Dakota State University, mary.keena@ndsu.edu
  • Melony Wilson, University of Georgia, mlwilson@uga.edu
  • Douglas Hamilton, Oklahoma State University, dhamilt@okstate.edu
Self enrollment (Student)
Self enrollment (Student)