Course Name: VAEAP-The Basics of Keeping Alpacas

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Contact and technical support: Robert Masson,

Yuma County Cooperative Extension (YCCE) offers Certified Crop Adviser (CCA)  accredited courses available online on-demand. The $20 enrollment cost covers admission to all courses made by YCCE that only offer CCA credit. YCCE courses that offer AZDA or CA-DPR IPM certification are not covered with this cost. To access a list of YCCE CCA courses visit our website at   

Courses included in this bundle are:

  • 2023 SWAG Fertilizer Management
  • 2023 SWAG Irrigation
  • 2023 SWAG Soil Health
  • 24 SWAG Fertilizer
  • 24 SWAG Weather and Water
  • 24 SWAG Plant Breeding
  • 24 SWAG Water and Salt
  • 24 Soil Health

Veterans Agriculture Education and Assistance Program (VAEAP) in the Southwest 

  • This VAEAP orientation video will ensure you are aware of the requirements of the program and will also cover the last paperwork you need to fill out and return. After the orientation video, please fill out and sign the last three pages of the Participant Protocols.

    Once your paperwork is submitted, you'll be sent a code so that you can access all of the VAEAP curriculum. 

Course Name: 2024 Southwest AG Summit 

Plant Breeding Short Course: Theory, Methods, and Plant Breeding Industry 

Module 1: 

Plant Breeding 101: 

Robert Masson, University of Arizona, Yuma Co. Cooperative Extension 

Module 2: 

Plant Breeding 102: 

Dr. Hikmet Budak, Agricultural Professor, Arizona Western College 

Course Number: CCA # SS 58725, 2.0 CEU's 

CEU Credits: This course is accredited by the Certified Crop Adviser.

Course availability will be through the end of the year and will be removed December 31st 2024.

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Contact and technical support: Robert Masson,

Course Name: 2024 Southwest Ag Summit 

Quantitative assessment of water and salt balance for cropping systems in the lower Colorado River region

Module 1: Updated Water Management Information for the Lower Colorado Region  

Dr. Andrew French, University of Arizona

Module 2: Salt Balance in the Lower Colorado River Region                             

Dr. Charles Sanchez, University of Arizona

Module 3:  Emerging Tools for Water and Salinity Management in the Lower Colorado River Region

Toby Torrey, University of Arizona

Course Number: CCA # SS 58726, 2.0 CEU's 

CEU Credits: This course is accredited by the Certified Crop Adviser.

Course availability will be through the end of the year and will be removed December 31st 2024.

The course contains video, requiring a computer that can play audio and video.

Contact and technical support: Robert Masson,

Course Name: 2024 Southwest Ag Summit

Fertilizer Management in the Desert Southwest

Module 1: Fertilizer Considerations for the Desert Southwest

Robert Masson, University of Arizona, Yuma County Cooperative Extension, Asst. AG Agent 

Module 2: TRUE Organic Product Updates

Ramy Colfer, Cody Benton, and Jay Harper of TRUE Organic Products

Module 3:  YARA Products Updates

Patrick Giannetti and Sebastian Korob, YARA International

Module 4: Nutrient Ag Solutions Product Update

Kyle Deol, Nutrient Ag Solutions

Course Number: CCA # SS 58727, 2.0 CEU's  

CEU Credits: This course is accredited by the Certified Crop Adviser.

Course availability will be through the end of the year and will be removed December 31st 2024.

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Contact and technical support: Robert Masson,

Course Name: 2024 Southwest Ag Summit

How Weather and Water Influence Pest Management

Module #1: Influence of Weather on Desert Insects and their Management

Dr. John Palumbo, University of Arizona, Yuma, AZ

Module #2: Water Management and Pest Management - What's the Connection?

Dr. Shaku Nair, University of Arizona, Maricopa County Cooperative Extension

Course Number:  CCA # SS 58722, 1.5 CEU's  

CEU Credits: This course is accredited by the Certified Crop Adviser.

Course availability will be through the end of the year and will be removed December 31st 2024.

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Contact and technical support: Robert Masson,

Course Name: 2024 Southwest Ag Summit 

Soil Health

Module 1: Keynote Talk on Soil Health Principles and Assessments

Dr. Jerry Hatfield, Retired at USDA-ARS, Ames, IA

Module 2: The Desert Agriculture Soil Health Initiative (DASHI): Overview and Research Updates

Dr. Joey Blankinship, Associate Professor, The University of Arizona

Module 3: Updates from the Research-based Soil Health Extension Program in Arizona

Dr. Debankur Sanyal, Assistant Professor & Soil Health Extension Specialist, University of Arizona

Module 4: Soil Biological Health Indicators and its Application

Dr. Luisa Ikner, Assistant Professor, University of Arizona

Course Number:  CCA # SS 58720, 2.0 CEU's 

CEU Credits: This course is under review by the Certified Crop Adviser.

Course availability will be through the end of the year and will be removed December 31st 2024.

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Contact and technical support: Robert Masson,

Course Name: 2024 Southwest Ag Summit

Integrated Pest Management Regulatory Update (Arizona)

Jack Peterson, Arizona Department of Agriculture

Course Number: AZDA #24972, 1.0 CEU's, CCA # SS 58721, 1.0 CEU's  

CEU Credits: This course is accredited by the Arizona Department of Agriculture and Certified Crop Adviser.


Course availability will be through the end of the year and will be removed December 31st 2024.

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Contact and technical support: Robert Masson,

Course Name: AT001B-Solar PV Basics: Load Analysis

This course is the second installment in the class AT001 - Solar Photovoltaic Basics. This class teaches you how to calculate the size required for solar systems by analyzing the load of the devices you plan to operate.

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Course Name: AT009-Drone Applications in Agriculture

This course will address the use of drones for agriculture including spray applications, and field data acquisition. Questions? Contact Dr. Ed Franklin at

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Course Name: VAEAP-Introduction to Careers and Business Opportunities in Agriculture and Horticulture

This is the required class for the Veterans Ag Education and Apprenticeship Program. We go over the different career possibilities in agriculture and other green industries. If you have any questions, please contact the professors. Dr. Ursula Schuch: Trent Teegerstrom: Dr. Edward Franklin:

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Course Name: AH005-Landscape Management  

Contact Dr. Ursula Schuch at with any questions. 

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Course Name: AH004-Food Safety 

Remember to check in with Dr. Schuch following completing the course at

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Course Name: AH003-Controlled Environment Food Production

Introduction to different types of controlled environment food production. Topics covered will include infrastructure requirements, control of environmental factors, and examples of production using the following systems: • Hydroponic • Aquaponics • Mushroom Cultivation Questions? Contact Dr. Ursula Schuch at

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Course Name: AH002-Organic Versus Conventional Food Production

This class will cover definitions of different types of production: • Conventional • Sustainable • Pesticide free • Local • Organic • USDA certified organic Requirements for USDA organic production will be discussed. Questions? Contact Dr. Ursula Schuch at

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Contact and technical support: Robert Masson,

Course Name: AH001-Basics of Agriculture and Horticulture Production

Join Dr. Ursula Schuch for this introductory course into horticulture and agriculture production. If you have follow up questions, feel free to email Dr. Schuch at  

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Contact and technical support: Robert Masson,

Course Name: Recreation Drone Flight TRUST

This course will look at the recreation aspect of drone flying and introduce you to a new online exam for recreation drone flyers. 

Course Name: AT007-Pumping Water with Solar PV Energy

This course will cover the use of solar PV energy to power submersible wells used in agriculture. Topics will include: DC pumps, Pump controllers, Safety Disconnects, Combiner Box, Mounting systems, Modules & arrays, Wiring & connections Questions? Contact Dr. Ed Franklin at

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Course Name: VAEAP - Hoop House Build at AVG

This video shows the construction of a Hoop House kit at the Avra Valley Growers. Thank you to Bruce Laird for hosting VAEAP participants

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Course Name: AT003-Solar PV Modules

This video is the first installment in the AT003 course focusing on Solar Photovoltaic Modules and how to interpret the module cut sheets. Contact with any questions about the course!

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Course Name: AT002-Types of Solar PV Systems

This course will cover the types of solar PV systems including PV-direct, Grid-connect, Stand-alone, and Multi-modal systems. We will address where these systems are found in our communities, our homes, schools, and businesses. Questions? Contact Dr. Edward Franklin at

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Course Name: AT001-Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Technology Basics

This course will cover how solar photovoltaic energy systems work focusing on what takes place within the solar PV cell and how electricity is produced. The type of electrical current and electrical terms and definitions commonly used in the solar energy industry including power, watts, voltage, current, and resistance are presented. Questions? Contact Dr. Edward Franklin at

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Course Name: AB015-Tax Issues for Farmers and Ranchers

This course introduces common tax filing issues for owners of small businesses or farms. The information presented in this module comes from the website, which contains a variety of small farm tax examples that could be used to supplement the presentation. This module briefly touches of individual tribal tax and deferred tax issues. This module is not meant to be a comprehensive look at taxes and tax issues; rather, it is meant to help participants become more aware of the types of tax issues that exist. 1. Basic tax forms 2. Schedule F 3. Self-employment taxes 4. Hobby loss rules 5. Form 1099 6. Individual tribal taxes 7. Section 179 8. Depreciation and estate taxes Questions? Contact Trent Teegerstrom at

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Course Name: AB014-Ownership, Liability, and Risk 

This course covers different business structures and the advantages and disadvantages of each. For example, a sole proprietorship (the most common type of business structure) is owned and operated by a single individual. Sole proprietorship has the most flexibility of the business structures, but this flexibility comes with a price—unlimited liability. This class also covers risk and risk management. Areas of risk can include production, financial, price, institutional, or human. This module will teach participants how to evaluate the level of risk in their businesses or farms and create plans for corrective measures to avoid or minimize risk. Identifying and managing risk in the early stages of the planning phase is important. 1. Business structures and the pros and cons of each 2. Risk management 3. Tools for managing risk 4. Analyzing on farm risk 5. Food safety issues 6. Disaster preparedness Questions? Email Trent Teegerstrom at 

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Course Name: AB013-Introduction to American Indian Land Tenure Act 

This course covers first how American Indian reservations were established, beginning with the Doctrine of Discovery, to Manifest Destiny and the creation of the Office of Indian Affairs, through the evolution of federal policies that have created the reservations that we know today. The second section of the module covers the difficulties of navigating the uniqueness of each reservation. How the reservation was established and whether or not it was impacted by the Dawes Act of 1887 will determine land tenure on a given reservation. American Indian trust land is held in a "trust status" by the US government; in the case of allotments, fractionation occurs, resulting in hundreds of owners on a single parcel of land. Water rights are also brought up as a contentious issue on reservations, and the use of Indian trust land as collateral is difficult. This class shines light on the laws and legislation that have created social economic hardship for reservations and Native Americans. 1. Federal policy eras 2. Tribal governance and the federal relationship 3. Tribal sovereignty 4. General Allotment Act, 1887 5. Fractionation 6. Trust to fee conversion 7. Water rights on reservations Questions? Email Trent Teegerstrom at

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Course Name: AB012-Financial Analysis

This course builds on the previous module’s financial overview of budgets and statements. Using examples, this class explains in greater detail how to create and analyze a partial budget and an enterprise budget using tools like sensitivity analysis and break-even analyses. MyFi Assist is also re-introduced. This tool can be used to find monthly payments to be used in a partial budget or an enterprise budget, which will allow participants to find break-even points or complete sensitivity analyses. Participants should understand that all financial options should be considered on paper to determine the outcomes that are good, bad, and ugly. Once these are known, it becomes possible to plan for future financial success. 1. Sensitivity analysis 2. Break-even analysis 3. Partial budgeting Questions? Email Trent Teegerstrom at

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Course Name: AB011-Introduction to Budgets and Financial Statements 

This course is meant to be an introduction to (not a comprehensive understanding of) different types of financial statements and budgets (budgets will be covered in greater detail in AB012). Understanding financial statements can benefit business owners by helping them determine whether or not the business or enterprise is performing as expected. When discussing budgets, help participants understand that budgets are a way of managing resources to maximize profits. The budgeting worksheets used in this module are meant to guide participants through the steps of building their own enterprise budgets and incorporating all production costs. Future entrepreneurs should be as accurate as possible with their revenue and expenses, and understand that it is easier to make adjustments on paper now, rather than when their businesses are operational. The cash flow worksheets help visualize when expenses are incurred and when revenue is generated. The excel version of the worksheet can be a helpful tool to use as an in-class example, and the long-term cash flow worksheet can help your participants compare different cash flow scenarios and see whether they will run a deficit or a surplus. 1. Types of budgets 2. Cash flows 3. Types of financial statements 4. Important ratios 5. Why it is important to keep records Questions? Contact Trent Teegerstrom at

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Course Name: AB010-Market Assessment-Estimating Market Size and Price

This course is a comprehensive look at defining a customer base, estimating the size of the market, and determining a price point. This class uses worksheets to guide participants through the process of determining market size and price points for their products. Each worksheet covers a different topic, including customer segmentation, potential volume, competition, pricing strategy, and promotion strategy. Additional resources are listed in the PowerPoint presentation to help participants find information on potential customer demographics, average food consumption, and pricing. Completing a market assessment is an important and cost-effective step in starting a business: Investing time into completing one now can save money in the future. 1. Market assessment process 2. Estimating product price 3. Competitive analysis 4. External factors in pricing Questions? Contact Trent Teegerstrom at

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.

Course Name: AB009-Early Development of a new Idea   

This course uses a mini assessment tool to help a prospective entrepreneur determine whether they are financially and personally capable of starting a new venture. Once the mini assessment is complete, another set of questions goes into more detail about the product, cost structure, and market. The more detail a prospective entrepreneur can put into the answers, the better prepared to start a business they are. The business planning questions are meant to give participants a comprehensive look at the steps to starting a business. 1. Am I ready to start a business? 2. Introduction to finances and budgeting 3. Developing a market strategy 4. Can I make money? Questions? Contact Trent Teegerstrom at 

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.