University of Calilifornia 4-H Logo in English
The Overnight Chaperone Essentials course highlights key aspects of the role of every overnight chaperone in their work with youth.  This course is meant to compliment event specific trainings held by the County Extension office or the Event Leader/Director. 

Participants of this course will:
  1. Learn four key principles to guide chaperones in their overnight duties
  2. Highlight the general responsibilities of a CA 4-H overnight chaperone
  3. Review the protective practices which create culturally, emotionally, and physically safe environments for participants
  4. Address health and medical safety issues chaperones face in overnight settings
  5. Discuss positive behavior management strategies
For course enrollment keys, please visit

For more Information about the course:

Scott C. Mautte
4-H Program Representative for Volunteer Development
University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Descripción General del Curso

La Serie de Gestión Financiera para Voluntarios es una colección completa de módulos deCertificado-Mobile Friendly para usar con Moodle App. formación en línea diseñados para dotar a los voluntarios de habilidades esenciales de gestión financiera adaptadas específicamente para los Programas de Desarrollo Juvenil 4-H. A través de esta serie estructurada, los participantes obtendrán los conocimientos y las herramientas necesarias para garantizar la integridad financiera, el cumplimiento y la utilización eficaz de los recursos dentro de sus respectivas organizaciones 4-H.

La serie incluye:

  • Módulo 1: Fundamentos de la gestión financiera (Disponible)
  • Módulo 2: Establecimiento de cuentas bancarias y autorización (Disponible)
  • Módulo 3: Planificación, recaudación de fondos y gestión de recursos (Disponible)
  • Módulo 4: Regalos, becas, consideraciones especiales - Animales y armas de fuego como regalos (11/2024)
  • Módulo 5: Informes financieros y cumplimiento (02/2025)
  • Módulo 6: Responsabilidades financieras de los tesoreros de las unidades 4-H y VMO (04/2025)
  • Módulo 7: Gestión de fondos excedentes y procedimientos de procesamiento financiero, desembolsos, impuestos y gestión de la propiedad (06/2025)


La duración total del curso está aún por determinar.  Sin embargo, el trabajo del curso puede completarse en varias sesiones (tendrá la opción de reanudarlo donde lo dejó).  

Quién Debe Asistir

Voluntarios adultos de California que desempeñan una función financiera en el programa 4-H, como líderes de clubes, tesoreros de VMO, asesores de tesorería.

University of California 4-H Logo

Course Overview

The Financial Management Series for Volunteers is a comprehensive collection of online training modules designed to equip volunteers with essential financial management skills tailored specifically for the 4-H Youth Development Programs (YDP). Through this structured series, participants will gain the knowledge and tools necessary to ensure financial integrity, compliance, and effective resource utilization within their respective 4-H organizations.

The series includes:

  • Module 1: Financial Management Fundamentals (Available)

  • Module 2: Establishing Bank Accounts and Authorization (Available)

  • Module 3: Planning, Fundraising, and Resource Management (Available)

  • Module 4: Gifts, Scholarships, Special Considerations - Animals and Firearms as Gifts (11/2024)

  • Module 5: Financial Reporting and Compliance (02/2025)

  • Module 6: Financial Responsibilities of 4-H Unit and VMO Treasurers (04/2025)

  • Module 7: Management of Excess Funds and Financial Processing Procedures, Disbursements, Taxes, and Property Management (06/2025)


Comprehensive course completion time is yet to be determined.  However, coursework can be completed over multiple sessions (you will have the option to resume where you left off).  

Who Should Attend

California Adult Volunteers who have a financial role in the 4-H program such as Club Leaders, VMO Treasurers, Treasurer Advisors.

Adult Volunteers and senior member youth who volunteer at the county level to evaluate Record Books at County Competition.


This short course is designed for adult volunteers and senior member youth who volunteer at the county level to evaluate Record Books at County Competition. Youth members enter Record Book competitions as an optional opportunity to receive feedback on their 4-H record-keeping and 4-H skills development. The course gives an overview of the evaluation rubric, how to score and how to write helpful comments. You will receive an electronic badge and a certificate upon completion. Thank you for your time and talent to provide encouragement and support to 4-H youth.


30 Minutes


This training works best with Mozilla Firefox.  Download it for free here. 

The Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer browsers are not compatible with some of the components of this course and should not be used. 

  • Technical Support:
  • Course Information: Gemma Miner

University of Calilifornia 4-H Logo in English


Course Overview:

The Civic Engagement Officer Training will explore the roles and responsibilities of a 4-H Civic Engagement Officer.

How You Will Benefit:

  • Strategies for developing a service-learning committee
  • Provide tools to educate clubs in community service and service-learning
  • Learn the steps of planning a service-learning project
  • Review the steps to reporting event progress

    Approximate Time Commitment:

    20 minutes

    Who Should Attend:

    • 4-H Members desiring to be a Civic Engagement Officer
    • Adult Staff and Volunteers who are supporting Civic Engagement Officers
    • Civic Engagement Committee Members

    This course is currently only offered to participants of the California 4-H Youth Development Program. 

    University of Calilifornia 4-H Logo in English

    Course Overview:

    This course is part of the University of California 4-H Youth Development Program and is designed to walk you through the various roles of a California 4-H Club Treasurer.

    How You Will Benefit:

    1. Learn how to set up bank accounts and understand procedures for check signing
    2. Learn what a budget is, why they are important, and how to create a successful one
    3. Learn how to receive cash and other payments, accept gifts, and deposit and record money
    4. Understand California 4-H fundraising guidelines
    5. Learn how to write checks and complete a check register
    6. Understand how to complete accounting records for spending money
    7. Learn how to reconcile bank accounts and how to prepare a monthly report for your club

    Approximate Time Commitment:

    20 minutes

    Option #1: Complete the whole training in order (does not have to be done in one sitting)

    Option #2: Complete one section at at time in any order (does not have to be done in one sitting)

    Who Should Attend:

      • California 4-H Club Treasurers and the adults who support them
      For course enrollment keys, please visit California 4-H Learning Center.

      For more Information about the course:

      Scott C. Mautte
      4-H Program Representative for Volunteer Development
      University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources

      The purpose of this course is to outline some of the essential activites of a 4-H Healthy Living Officer. This course is approximately 18 minutes long.

      For more Information or to enroll, please contact:

      Scott C. Mautte
      4-H Program Representative for Volunteer Development
      & Positive Youth Development
      University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources

      University of California Presentation Evaluator Certification Course Logo

      Course Overview:

      The purpose of the California 4-H Presentation Program is to help youth improve their public speaking abilities.  Presentation events are one strategy to reach this goal by allowing youth to practice the knowledge and skills gained and receive constructive feedback on their progress.  This requires that evaluations be accurate and consistent. 

      The Presentation Evaluator Certification is designed to prepare individuals to evaluate California 4-H presentations accurately and consistently.  This course consists of two parts:

      1. Presentation Evaluator Orientation Course which is designed to provide an overview of the presentation program while offering best practices on how to effectively complete a presentation evaluation assessment and provide written feedback.
      2. Presentation Format Calibration Certifications which offer individuals an opportunity to measure their level of evaluation expertise for each presentation format through a series of calibration exams.

      Learners who successfully calibrate each presentation format with a score of 80% or greater will receive an electronic badge, certificate, and are certified to evaluate on that specific presentation format.  When all presentation formats have been successfully completed, the individual will earn the "Master 4-H Presentation Evaluator" achievement badge and certificate.

      This course is designed for individual participation and not for group settings.

      Who Should Attend:

      The course is designed for California 4-H volunteers or program partners, ages 16 and up, who desire to be a presentation evaluator at county, regional, or state presentation events.

      Technical Support

      If you are experiencing technical difficulties with any portion of this course, please submit a help ticket at

      Sections of the course may take longer to load based on individual internet bandwidth and connectivity.  Outdated technology such as legacy operating systems or older versions of web browsers may affect access to this course or the quality of this training experience.

      Welcome to the course!

      MM Header

      Course Overview:

      The overall program aims to promote mindful practices that lead to improvements in managing one’s own goals, developing a sense of self, time management, stress management, emotional regulation, and mindful eating practices. 4-H Mindful Mechanics can also serve as a training for teens that would like to lead lessons from the companion curriculum, 4-H Mindful Me, through a ‘teens as teachers’ (TAT) approach. 

      Who Should Attend:

      • The course is designed for teens ages 13-18 and adult leaders. 

      For more Information about this course, please contact:

      Anne Iaccopucci, PhD

      4-H Healthy Living Academic Coordinator II

      University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources


      Certified-Mobile Friendly to use with Moodle App.

      Descripción General del Curso

      El Curso para Nuevos Voluntarios de 4-H de California es un recurso necesario para los adultos que comienzan su primer año o que regresan después de una pausa de un año o más. En este curso, usted aprenderá partes importantes del servicio 4-H, como una orientación, los lineamientos de CANRA y el Modelo 4-H Thriving para el Desarrollo Positivo de la Juventud. También aprenderá sobre la Supervisión 2-Deep y el compromiso del programa 4-H de crear un ambiente seguro y acogedor para todos los jóvenes, y cómo usted puede ayudar a lograr esa visión.


      1 hora, 35 minutos (Puede completarse en varias sesiones)

      • Orientación 4-H - 40 minutos
      • CANRA para voluntarios - 30 minutos
      • 4-H Modelo próspero de PYD - 15 minutos
      • 2-Política de Supervisión Profunda - 5 minutos
      • Visión e Impacto de California 4-H - 5 minutos

      Quién debe asistir

      Voluntarios adultos de California que comienzan su primer año de servicio o regresan después de una pausa de un año o más.

      Descripción General del Curso

      El curso para voluntarios que regresan del programa 4-H de California le ofrece actualizaciones importantes sobre políticas y mejores prácticas para mantenerlo al día. Se enfoca en los lineamientos de CANRA y en el Modelo 4-H para el Desarrollo Positivo de la Juventud (4-H Thriving Model for Positive Youth Development). También aprenderá sobre el compromiso del programa 4-H de crear un ambiente seguro y acogedor para todos los jóvenes, y cómo usted puede ayudar a lograr esa visión.


      50 minutos (puede completarse en varias sesiones)

      • CANRA para voluntarios - 30 minutos
      • Modelo próspero de PYD de 4-H - 15 minutos
      • Valores fundamentales de 4-H de la Universidad de California - 5 minutos

      Quién Debe Asistir

      Voluntarios adultos de California que inician su segundo año de servicio o más sin interrupciones en el servicio.

      University of California 4-H Logo

      Course OverviewThis course can be used with the Moodle app.

      The California 4-H Returning Volunteer Course gives you important updates on policies and best practices to keep you up to date. It focuses on CANRA guidelines and the 4-H Thriving Model for Positive Youth Development. You'll also learn about the 4-H program's commitment to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all youth, and how you can help achieve that vision.  


      55 Minutes (Can be completed over multiple sessions)

      • CANRA for Volunteers - 30 minutes
      • 4-H Thriving Model of PYD - 15 minutes
      • University of California 4-H Core Values - 5 minutes

      Who Should Attend

      California Adult Volunteers who are starting their second year of service or more with no breaks in service.

      University of California 4-H Logo

      Course OverviewThis course can be taken using the official Moodle app

      The California 4-H New Volunteer Course is a necessary resource for adults starting their first year or coming back after a break of a year or more. In this course, you will learn important parts of 4-H service, like an orientation, CANRA guidelines, and the 4-H Thriving Model for Positive Youth Development. You'll also learn about 2-Deep Supervision and the 4-H program's commitment to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all youth, and how you can help achieve that vision.


      1 hour, 35 minutes (Can be completed over multiple sessions)

      • 4-H Orientation - 40 minutes
      • CANRA for Volunteers - 30 minutes
      • 4-H Thriving Model of PYD - 15 minutes
      • 2-Deep Supervision Policy - 5 minutes
      • University of California 4-H Core Values - 5 minutes

      Who Should Attend

      California Adult Volunteers who are starting their first year of service or are returning after a break of a year or more.