Enrollment options

University of Calilifornia 4-H Logo in English

Course Overview:

This course is part of the University of California 4-H Youth Development Program and is designed to walk you through the various roles of a California 4-H Club Treasurer.

How You Will Benefit:

  1. Learn how to set up bank accounts and understand procedures for check signing
  2. Learn what a budget is, why they are important, and how to create a successful one
  3. Learn how to receive cash and other payments, accept gifts, and deposit and record money
  4. Understand California 4-H fundraising guidelines
  5. Learn how to write checks and complete a check register
  6. Understand how to complete accounting records for spending money
  7. Learn how to reconcile bank accounts and how to prepare a monthly report for your club

Approximate Time Commitment:

20 minutes

Option #1: Complete the whole training in order (does not have to be done in one sitting)

Option #2: Complete one section at at time in any order (does not have to be done in one sitting)

Who Should Attend:

    • California 4-H Club Treasurers and the adults who support them
    For course enrollment keys, please visit California 4-H Learning Center.

    For more Information about the course:

    Scott C. Mautte
    4-H Program Representative for Volunteer Development
    University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources
    Email: idevelopsupport@ucanr.edu

    Self enrollment (Volunteer)
    Self enrollment (Volunteer)