Extension Foundation Online Campus
Enrollment Guide
General Public Enrollment:
The general public enrollment key is "public".
4-H Extension Staff Enrollment:
Please enter your unique enrollment key. If you do not know your key please contact Kathleen Lodl.
State Program Leaders Enrollment:
Please enter your unique enrollment key. If you do not know your key please contact Kathleen Lodl.
- Administrator: Kathleen Lodl
- Instructor: Angie Rushman
This self-directed course, composed of 8 modules, is designed for frontline 4-H Youth Development Staff interested in learning how multiple forms of data (4-H Common Measures data and Lesson Study data) can be used to help make decisions in regards to program improvement and professional development opportunities.
Through the learning modules, you gain the knowledge to effectively leverage Common Measure 2.0 to get the youth-generated data you need to assess a program and make it even better. You’ll have the data to better understand how and what youth are learning in each of the major 4-H areas of emphasis. And you’ll learn how to use these tools and the data to make meaningful decisions about your local programs. You’ll also learn how Lesson Study can help take the guesswork out of professional development and program improvement. It’s all about becoming an even more effective leader, educator and mentor for young people. And that leads to even greater confidence, satisfaction and passion as you work with youth.
Through a deeper dive into 4-H Common Measures and Lesson Study, participants will have an increased understanding of basic program evaluation practices, will learn how to successfully access and implement 4-H Common Measures and Lesson Study, and ultimately will understand how when paired together result in making data-driven decisions.
For more information or to enroll please contact: Jessica Mullendore at jmullendore@unl.edu
- Instructors: Makayla Burg
- Instructors: Jill Lingard
- Instructors: Seth Teager

National 4-H Headquarters Overnight Chaperone Training is a self directed course for volunteers and staff that will attend National 4-H Headquarters’ events. Participants will learn effective ways to discipline youth, recognize signs of abuse, and how to deal with emergencies.
For information or to enroll contact Sarah Torbert at storbert@uwyo.edu
- Teacher: Sarah Torbert