Visitor Policies

Know Your Visitors

Keep your family and employees up-to-date on any increased Farm at sunrise criminal activity within the community and in surrounding areas, and instruct them to immediately report suspicious people or occurrences to you. Notify them when you are expecting suppliers or visitors so that they wonʼt mistake legitimate individuals for intruders.

Always ask to see the credentials of anyone claiming to be conducting an official government inspection. If they are legitimate, they wonʼt mind your request. If they are imposters, asking the question may be enough to discourage them. Ask to see photo identification. If you doubt the validity of the personʼs credentials, call the representative's office or organization. Do not use the telephone number provided by the inspector, since he may supply a false number to an accomplice. Use your own resources and/or telephone numbers, independent of the personʼs comments, to verify his identity and purpose. Also, do not assume that a vehicle bearing “official markings” is an official vehicle. Take time to verify.