
Think through what you would need to do in an emergency to Well-hidden permanently installed mailbox
protect people, animals, and your business and property. Make a list of the actions you, your family and employees would need to take. Write down and keep handy important information, such as emergency telephone numbers, you would need if something went wrong. Be sure that all family members and employees know where to find the information.

What should go in your continuity of operations/emergency plan? Start with these items:

  • Your business/operation name and location
  • Primary and secondary emergency contacts for your operation
  • Alternate location for your office
  • Emergency contact numbers
  • A list of critical tasks, such as payroll or feed/water for livestock, and who is responsible for each task
  • A list of your suppliers, including contact information and account numbers
  • Evacuation plan
  • Shelter-in-place plan
  • Emergency communications plan, including employee emergency contact information