Visitor Policies

Know who is on your property. Develop and enforce a visitor policy for your farm. Consider including:
  • Post signs informing visitors where to report. All visitors should sign in with a designated farm representative. This procedure protects against unwanted visitors and helps account for all persons.
    • Require all visitors, including vendors and contractors, to sign in. Verify their identity, as needed.
    • Maintain a visitor's log that includes names, addresses and other contact information, companies, arrival and departure times, and purpose of the visit.
    • Consider using visitor badges or identification cards.
  • Control traffic.
    • All vehicles should be required to enter and leave your property from one main entrance/exit.
    • Establish a check-in point for all farm deliveries. Require regular vendors to conduct background checks on their drivers.
    • Designate specific access areas for outside contractors.
    • Designate a specific area for visitor parking.
    • Limit vehicle access to other areas of the property, especially livestock areas.
  • Closely supervise all visitors. Do not allow visitors, vendors or contractors to have unlimited access to the premises.
    • Restrict access to vulnerable areas such as milk, gasoline, and pesticide storage.
    • Explain biosecurity and disease prevention procedures to visitors and provide disposable bootees and other equipment. Be sure procedures are followed.

All family members and employees should be trained to follow the visitor policy, so they know what to do when visitors arrive.