Employee Management

Hiring New Employees

Good employee hiring practices can can go a long way to making Farm at sunriseyour farm more secure. Do you hire anybody who walks in the gate and says they are willing to work, or do you have set procedures to ensure that legal and security issues are addressed?

Always hire employees with security in mind. Ask applicants for a resume of their qualifications and to complete a job application. The job application should include references.

In order to protect your assets and ensure a safe, secure work environment, you need to know more about a new hire than what is included on an employment application. Screen applicants thoroughly, including checking references. Consider conducting background checks on all employees, including seasonal workers, to determine prospective employees' qualifications and demeanor. The extent of the background investigation should hinge on the degree of access a prospective employee will have to your family and assets. The farm is not only your business; it is also your home.

A thorough background check might include

  • Checking criminal records back seven years for all counties of employment and residence.
  • Tracing the social security number to verify the number and places of residence.
  • Checking driverʼs license records if the employee will be driving your vehicles.
  • If the employee will have access to money, computers, records and other vital information, investigate credit records, civil records, and employment references and verify the personʼs education.

All background investigations must be in compliance with the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act as amended by the Consumer Credit Reporting Reform Act of 1996. Outside firms can be hired to conduct these investigations in compliance with the law.