Type of Activity:

Title: Pease Porridge Hot
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document Pease Porridge Hot.pdf

Title: Pumpkin, Pumpkin
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document Pumpkin_Pumpkin.pdf

Title: Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document Pussy Cat.pdf

Title: Put Your Hands Way Up
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document Put_your_Hands_Way_Up.pdf

Title: Rags
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document Rags.pdf

Title: Rain, Rain, Go Away
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document Rain_Rain_Go_Away.pdf

Title: Raindrops, Raindrops
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document Raindrops.pdf

Title: Rock-A-Bye, Baby
Type of Activity: Song
Activity File: PDF document Rock A Bye Baby.pdf

Title: Roll the Ball to Me
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document Roll_the_Ball_to_Me.pdf

Title: Roll Your Hands
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document Roll_Your_Hands.pdf