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Where can I learn more about how to develop content in Moodle?

(最近编辑: 2022年12月8日 星期四 12:35)

A simple web search will reveal a large number of websites with instructions or suggestions on how to do various things in Moodle.  But Moodle itself provides a very nice collection of brief (5 minutes or less) videos.  The YouTube playlist for that set of videos for Moodle 3.11 (current version) is available here.  


What must I do to add a teacher to a course?

(最近编辑: 2022年12月8日 星期四 12:19)

Course teachers have the rights to manually enroll people in their courses, and to assign those people to appropriate roles.  Go to the course administration block and select Users-->Enrolled users.  In the upper right corner of the screen will be an "Enrol Users" button.  Click that and a window opens up where you can search for the person you want to assign, as well as what role you wish to assign to that person.


I am interested in charging fees for my course. What must I do to set this up?

(最近编辑: 2022年12月8日 星期四 12:16)

Please review the information at extension.org/campus-procedures/. If you have other questions, send an email to cataloghelp@extension.org.


I am currently teaching a course on Campus, but have some questions about certain features or other course administration issues. Who should I contact?

(最近编辑: 2019年11月20日 星期三 11:44)

Send an email to campusadmin@extension.org


What must I do to set up a course on Campus?

(最近编辑: 2019年06月1日 星期六 16:41)

Send a message to campusadmin@extension.org requesting a course shell.  In that message, include the title you wish to give to the course along with the names and email addresses of those who will teach the course.  The Campus site administrator will set up the course and notify you of its availability for you to begin entering the course content.