Section 4. Recovery
1. Quarantine Release
2. Indemnification
3. Changes
4. Summary
2. Indemnification
3. Changes
4. Summary
Avian Influenza Biosecurity for Backyard Flock Owners
Compensation in an Indemnification Program
Allowable Claims Include the Following3
USDA Will Not Allow Claims Involving the Following
- Domesticated birds and other livestock destroyed due to infection or exposure to HPAI virus.
- Materials destroyed due to contamination or exposure to HPAI virus.
USDA Will Not Allow Claims Involving the Following
- A payee who has not complied with all quarantine requirements.
- Expenses for the care and feeding of domesticated birds and other livestock held for destruction.
- The destruction of domesticated birds and other livestock or materials unless these have been appraised as described in Part II, Section J, or the owner has signed the VS Form 1-23.
- The destruction of domesticated birds and other livestock or materials that have been moved or handled in violation of a law or regulation.