Exhibits, Fairs, and Shows

With an increased potential for disease transmission when large numbers of animals gather for exhibition, state departments of agriculture have established requirements for exhibitors.

Below is an example of Maryland's regulations for fairs and shows

It is recommended that show birds be kept in isolation 

for at least 2-3 weeks after attending fairs or shows. 

Requirements for Sponsors of a Livestock/Poultry Exhibition

  1. Notification shall be made to the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA), Animal Health Section of intent to sponsor an event that includes the exhibition of animals at least 60 days before the proposed event. (Notification Form for Livestock/Poultry Exhibition)
  2. Sponsor shall submit the Notification Form for Livestock/Poultry Exhibition no later than 60 days from the scheduled event to your Regional Health Office.
  3. Report to the Department any animal from the exhibition suspected of having or showing obvious, apparent, or known signs of a contagious or infectious disease; or exclude from the exhibition premises any animal having obvious, apparent, or known signs of a contagious or infectious disease.
  4. Exemptions of this regulation may be granted if:
    1. The exhibition is a Maryland fair and show board funded event; or
    2. The exhibition is sponsored, sanctioned, or otherwise approved by an association, coalition, or other entity which serves as an umbrella organization for multiple livestock exhibitions in a calendar year and
    3. That organization provides adequate and timely notice of subordinate exhibitions to the Department.

Requirements for Exhibitors

  1. All poultry exhibitors must have valid proof of a registered Maryland Poultry Premises ID Number.
  2. All poultry for exhibition shall meet the requirements for Avian Influenza and Pullorum-Typhoid tests.
  3. All poultry exhibitors shall complete a Poultry Exhibitor’s Self Certification of Animal Health.