
is a two-part process that reduces or removes pathogens.8

  1. Cleaning 
    Cleaning physically removes organic materials such as dirt, manure, feed, and litter. 

  2. Disinfecting
    Disinfecting destroys the virus by direct exposure to disinfectants.


Avian Influenza Disinfectants

You can usually purchase these disinfectants at most hardware, farm depot, or grocery stores. Do not use disinfectants on living things.
  • EPA approved disinfectants such as One Stroke Environ® and Tek-trol®.
  • Bleach* - mix ¾ cup of bleach per gallon of water or 1 part bleach to 10 parts water.
  • Quaternary Ammonium Compounds* such as Lysol No Rinse Sanitizer®
* DO NOT mix bleach and ammonia together! They form a toxic gas.