Sanitation II: Carcass Disposal

Carcass Disposal:
From time to time you will have to dispose of animals that have died from old age, injury, stress or disease. Proper disposal will prevent the attraction of pests such as rodents and insects as well as the spread of disease.

Dead rodents or wild birds will need to be removed from the area and disposed of properly away from your flocks. If you are able to bury the animal make sure you use gloves and dig a hole, at least a foot deep, to prevent animals from digging it up. If laws ban burying, you may place the animal in plastic bag and seal it while wearing gloves. The body may be placed in the trash. Wash your hands when finished. If you see multiple dead wild birds in a short period of time contact the USDA Wildlife Services at 1-877-463-6497.16

Dead poultry may be disposed of by burying, composting, rendering, or incineration in commercial operations. However, in a backyard setting where deaths are rare, burial is the best option. Remember to check with your county first for approved disposal methods. If burial is not an option then you may wrap and seal the bird in a plastic bag and place it in the trash.3,9
For more information on the safe disposal of dead poultry, visit the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Bulletin #12