Enrollment options

The audience for this course is Family Child Care Home Providers residing outside the state of California. This online training includes videos, short quizzes, and activities. It has two parts: 

  • In Part 1: What to Feed Infants, you will learn the latest recommendations on WHAT to feed infants. These are the foods and beverages that are recommended. You will review beverages such as breast milk, formula, and water, grains and proteins, fruits and vegetables, and foods to avoid such as sugar and salt.

  • In Part 2: How to Feed Infants, you will learn the latest recommendations on HOW to feed infants. You will review breastfeeding, introducing solid foods, and overall healthy feeding practices. 

Completion of this course provides 1.0 contact hours. 

The fee for this course is $15 for non-California residents.  To purchase and enroll in the course, click the following link:

Self enrollment (Student)
Self enrollment (Student)