Enrollment options

Thank you for joining our UC Master Gardeners of Napa County’s online training test program for 2021.  Your participation, and your feedback, will be important as we develop our new hybrid training program for certification.  The certification program will begin in January 2022—and your help in 2021 will be invaluable.


In this program, we will present six core topics. 
Introduction to Botany.

Living Soil, Till/No Till.

Water Management.


Plant Pathology.



A new topic will be posted every two weeks, beginning Monday January 18, 2021.  Students will have two weeks to complete the required assignments.  Assignments will vary by topic, and may include reading, viewing a live or recorded presentation, participation in a live demonstration or follow-along with a hands-on project, participation in a live discussion with fellow students, completion of one or more worksheets, opportunity to dive deeper using suggested resources.

Guest access
Guest access