
  • We are glad you are here because you may be interested in taking control of your money and finances. We hope to help.

    This is the first module in the High School Financial Planning Program (HSFPP) presented by Purdue Extension in a free, virtual format. A total of 5 lessons are published, including video presentations and digital activities, to help you control and manage your money to grow wealth and meet your future goals!

    Here's how each lesson is structured:
    1. Take the brief pre-survey before you begin the activities (this is not a test)
    2. Download the student hand-out/lesson pack to complete activities referenced in the video
    3. Watch the video lesson and do the activities
    4. Take the brief post-survey after you have watched the video lesson and completed the activities (again, this is not a test)

    • Meet your presenters for this course and introduce yourself! Note: You must create an account to post in the forum. However, you do not need an account to access the course materials.

  • Lesson 1: Money Habits

    You will: Identify your money habits; rate them as sensible, unwise, or neutral; and consider how they impact your future. Learn the difference between needs and wants, and categorize your spending. Take a values survey to help you prioritize your future, financial decisions. Accept the challenge at the end!
  • Lesson 2: Goals

    You will: Learn about and use the 5-step goal writing template (SMART) to write effective financial goals. Prioritize multiple goals by time (short, medium, and long) to plan for and achieve them. Accept the three challenges at the end!

  • Lesson 3: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

    You will: Identify who and what may influence your spending decisions (hint: companies spend a lot of $ to 'help' you make spending decisions), locate apps to help you save money, and demonstrate how to use a 6-step decison-making process (DECIDE) for you to use in making future spending choices. Accept the challenge at the end (vroom vroom)! 

  • Lesson 4: Spending Plan

    You will: Predict your income and categorize your estimated expenses. Set PYF as a priority (Pay Yourself First). Define, create, and use a spending plan to better manage your spending habits.  Accept the challenge at the end! 

  • Lesson 5: Cash Flow

    You will: Brainstorm ways to bring in more cash, identify and plug spending leaks to decrease expenses, select a method for tracking your money, and prepare for unexpected life changes (which you can expect to happen). Accept the challenge at the end and give your money habits a grade!

  • Want to know or do more?

    Course contact: Dustin Homan, 4-H Youth Development Educator, Purdue University Extension-Marion County--homan3@purdue.edu