Enrollment options

Eastern Bees 101 is a certificate course that focuses on bees of the Eastern U.S. and Canada. This course was developed for bee enthusiasts who want to explore the biology, natural history and identification characteristics of wild bees. Through readings, video lessons, quizzes and other strategies, participants will gain a fundamental understanding of wild bees, including basic lifestyles and survival strategies, how to tell bees from wasps and flies, and what makes bees key pollinators. The course focuses on five groups of bees to present bee terminology and identification characteristics in a way beginners will find accessible, but with a depth that will also interest intermediate bee enthusiasts. 

Eastern Bees 101 was developed by author and bee biologist Olivia Carril (co-author of The Bees in Your Backyard) and OSU Extension educator Denise Ellsworth.  

Course specifics:

Five course Sections 

  • Discovering Wild Bees
  • Bee Biology
  • Carpenter Bees and Bumble Bees
  • Wool Carder Bees and Green Metallic Sweat Bees
  • Honey Bees

Course text: The Bees in Your Backyard not provided. Learners must acquire a copy of the text.

Estimated time to complete the course, not including readings: 10 - 15 hours.

Requirement for certification: passing grades on all quizzes, completion of one assignment in each section, participation in group forums including creating and commenting on posts.

Cost to participate: no cost for Ohio Pollinators On-Line course participants

Self enrollment (Learner)
Self enrollment (Learner)