Enrollment options

These self-directed modules are designed for educators who work with youth, adults, and communities, as well as Extension administrators interested in increasing cultural awareness. The modules are designed to 

  1. introduce you to foundational terms related to cultural competencies and equitable practices, and 
  2. encourage you to explore dimensions of culture.

You will engage in reflective activities and are encouraged to utilize the supplemental resources to further your learning.

At the conclusion of these modules, you will have an increased awareness of common terms related to diversity, inclusion, and equity. You will be asked to reflect on your own identity and make connections to the diversity of cultures around you. These modules are centered around intercultural and social justice competencies (Bennett, 1986; Ginwright & Cammarota, 2002; Teaching Tolerance, 2018), and the 4-H Professional, Research, Knowledge and Competencies related to Access, Equity and Opportunity (PRKC) (4-H National Headquarters, 2017).

Authentic dialogue and the development of one’s cultural competencies and empathy, requires more than engaging in a series of educational modules. Developing one’s cultural competencies requires lifelong self-reflection, learning about diverse groups and communities, and a commitment to better understanding historical barriers that exist for marginalized groups in society. You are encouraged to continue your learning through the various recommended resources highlighted throughout the modules.

Please enter the state where your institution is located. Spell out the full name of the state, use proper spacing and capitalize first letters (e.g., Nebraska, South Dakota, New Hampshire, Utah).
Please enter the state where your institution is located. Spell out the full name of the state, use proper spacing and capitalize first letters (e.g., Nebraska, South Dakota, New Hampshire, Utah).