Enrollment options

Nebraska LTAP, Nebraska Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration logos

    • 1sttime attendees
    • Anyone involved in an NPDES-Permitted NODT construction project
    • Contractors involved in any aspect of the installation of erosion and sediment control Best Management Practices on NDOT Construction projects.

Learning Objectives
    • Basic understanding of NDOT policies and State regulations for stormwater management on construction sites.
    • Knowledge of the process of soil erosion.
    • An understanding of basic drainage, topography, climate, and other factors that influence soil erosion potential on construction sites. 
    • An understanding of the practical installation of erosion & sediment control Best Management Practices, following NDOT Standard Specifications, Special Provisions and Standard Plans.


  • This online Installer Certification course includes a series of presentations and quizzes that an applicant must successfully complete in order to print off their re-certification certificate. You can self-enroll, and there is no cost. You will need to create an account with a valid email address. Course Link: 
  • The Installer Certification Course contains Four (4) modules.  At the end of each module, you will go through a five-question quiz with questions pertaining specifically to the module.  You must get all five questions correct before you can move on to the next course module. 
  • Course materials will accompany the different modules as needed for reference.
  • Upon completion, this Installer Certification is good for 5 years. 
  • This Course is a prerequisite for the NDOR Erosion & Sediment Control Inspector Certification
  • To be a Certified Inspector, you must complete the NDOR Erosion & Sediment Control Inspector Certification course. 


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