Enrollment options

In this program, Extension Professionals, local officials, citizen advocates, non-profit groups, government agencies and general public, including those who are interested in the basic concepts of public land use and development regulation and in the best practices of community development and smart growth will learn to make positive land use decisions for their communities regarding zoning regulation, best practices for planning and zoning, and sustainable community planning.

Each units is designed to help students learn the core tasks of being a Planning Official.

In order to offer this online learning opportunity and maintain consistency between the classroom course and the online units, each unit includes content equal to or more than what is provided in the classroom sessions. Each unit is designed to take between 45 minutes to an hour. However, you can stop and restart a unit at your convenience.

For more information contact Daniel Walker at walke422@purdue.edu.

This course is available for a fee of $200 as part of a bundle that includes ACP-Indiana 101, 201, and Comprehensive Exam.  To purchase this bundle of courses, click the following button.

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