Enrollment options

Logo: University of California (UC) Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program and UC Agriculture and Natural Resources

Course overview
This course presents information on the Healthy Schools Act and on using integrated pest management, or IPM, methods in schools and child care centers. A third component of the course helps pest management professionals comply with the Healthy Schools Act and expand their business. This course is available for free. The course contains video so it requires a device that can play audio and video.

Who should enroll?
Pest management professionals who provide, or would like to provide, pest management services in schools and child care centers

Continuing Education Units
California Department of Pesticide Regulation (0.5 hour Laws & Regs and 1.0 hour Other) and by the Structural Pest Control Board (1.0 hour Rules and Regulations and 1 hour IPM). This course meets the annual training requirement of the Healthy Schools Act.

Enrollment period
This course must be completed by December 30 of the current year. Download the certificate immediately when you complete the course. You will not be able to retrieve your certificate after December 30.

Need help?
For assistance with login, course enrollment, or payment, contact campushelp@extension.org. For assistance with progress through the course or certificate, contact UCIPMcourses@ucanr.edu.
Self enrollment (Student)
Self enrollment (Student)