Rachel ArmstrongRachel Armstrong - My passion for farming goes way back to the days when I proudly proclaimed that I wanted to be a farmer when I grew up. I’ve lived out that dream in many ways, from working on farms to managing a community garden, starting a catering company that featured local foods and running a nonprofit local foods consulting program. Although I never thought I’d become an attorney, when I realized how keenly we needed quality legal information, I felt compelled. Now, I love resolving the business legal issues that hinder farmers from achieving their goals.

I lead Farm Commons together with my board of directors and a supportive staff of full time and seasonal employees.

Pam BrussPamela Bruss - Pamela Bruss a part-time, Agricultural Business Management Program Assistant. Pamela assists with project management, marketing, implementation and evaluation for different grant programs within the Agricultural Business Management program.

Before joining UNH Cooperative Extension, she spent 10 years in the corporate environment focusing on business marketing, sales and planning. In additional to working part-time, she lives on a small farm raising beef cattle, milking a homesteading cow, and homeschooling her two young children.

Faye CraginFaye Cragin -  is a State Specialist for UNH Cooperative Extension (UNHCE)  in Learning and Instructional Design. Faye has an M.Ed. in Adult and Online Education and is in the process of completing her Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies (CAGS) at Plymouth State University in Educational Leadership with a concentration in the Neurodevelopmental Approach to Teaching. Her work helps Extension educators to use the latest information on how the brain learns and technology to create effective course materials.

As an undergrad, Faye worked for UNH Cooperative Extension in the Entomology Department with the Pesticide Education program. After graduation she worked for UNHCE as an Information Technologist. She is also a member of the Pesticide Education program.

Paul GoeringerPaul Goeringer - Paul specializes in legal risk management as it relates to agriculture. Prior to coming to AREC, Paul worked at the University of Arkansas where his legal research was focused in the areas of environmental compliance, right-to-farm laws, agricultural leasing laws, contracting issues, federal farm program compliance, recreational use and agritourism issues, and estate planning issues in agriculture. Through this research Paul developed educational materials to better help Arkansas’s agricultural producers understand and manage legal risks in their operations.

Since joining AREC, Paul has worked with county extension educators to begin to fill the void in the areas of agricultural leasing and legal issues in estate planning.

Seth WilnerSeth Wilner -

Seth Wilner is a Regional Field Specialist in Agricultural Business Management working for UNH Cooperative Extension.  Seth has over 20 years of experience working with farmers on management topics including: whole-farm planning, record keeping, financial health, labor and legal issues.  Seth and his wife had a small farm enterprise selling produce to restaurants and local farms for close to 10 years.  Seth loves working with farmers, being outdoors, gardening and bee keeping, and spending time with his dogs and friends.

Остання зміна: пʼятниця 1 лютого 2019 14:24 PM