Thank you for visiting the 12 Steps to Lead Paint Work Safety Training!

New Students:

To take the Training and receive your Certificate of Completion, you will need to create an account. You may find it helpful to print off these instructions for future reference.
Once you are at the course website located at: click on the "Enroll me in this course" link. Next, click on the "Login" link and then click on the “New Account” link.

Complete each field, make note of your username and password, then click on “Create my new account.”

For security purposes, a message will be sent to your email account with a link to confirm your enrollment in the Training. While you are waiting for this email, be sure to close your browser.

Once you receive the email, click on the link in the email message to begin the training.

There is no charge to view the course material, however there is a $30 fee to test  your knowledge and receive a certificate of completion. To purchase the passkey you will need to test, visit and select item #7008.

Enrolled Students:

If you need to Logout and finish the Training at a later time, you can visit the course website again at and follow the "login" link in the upper right hand corner of the page. You will be prompted for your username and password on the left side of your screen, under the text: “Returning to this Website?” You may then finish taking the Training.

Helpful Tips:

From anywhere in the course, to return to the home page, follow the cookie crumb trail at the top of your screen by clicking on "12 Steps to Lead Safety", or use the "Jump To" drop down box on the top right.

If at anytime you get lost in the moodle interface and see the screen with a list of courses available through eXtension, simply click on the Montana link under organizational training at the bottom of the page, or type in ethics in the search window.

If you have any questions, please contact Millie Veltkamp, MSU Extension IT at (406) 994-4291 or We would be more than happy to assist you.
Остання зміна: вівторок 20 листопада 2012 06:01 AM