Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 6:38 AM
Site: Extension Foundation Online Campus
Course: Avian Influenza Biosecurity for Backyard Flock Owners (AvianInfluenza)
Glossary: Glossary/Acronyms


An imposed time period of isolation usually to prevent the spread of a disease.


Complete combustion of organic compounds. This is a biologically safe method but may be slow and expensive. There may be concerns about air pollution.


High temperatures and pressure break down animal remains. This requires transportation off site but recycles carcasses into reusable protein feed.


Decomposition of organic waste by microorganisms.

Mycoplasma gallisepticum

Mycoplasma gallisepticum is a bacteria that causes respiratory disease in chickens, turkeys, and other game birds flocks. It is spread through contact with contaminated equipment and surfaces or exposure to infected birds.

Signs of Mycoplasma include:
Watery eyes and nostrils
Swelling around the eyes
Coughing and sneezing

Pullorum Typhoid (PT)

Fowl typhoid and pullorum disease are caused by two very closely related organisms of Salmonella enterica. Pullorum disease is usually symptomatic only in young birds. The mortality rate varies, but it can be as high as 100%. Fowl typhoid resembles pullorum disease in young birds, but it is also a serious concern in growing and adult poultry.

Signs of PT include:
White diarrhea
Pasted vent
Huddle together
Difficulty breathing


A virus is a very small entity that consist essentially of a core of RNA or DNA surrounded by a protein coat that replicates, or copies itself, inside living cells


The long-term host of a pathogen that remains asymptomatic from the disease it carries.

Case Fatality Ratio

A ratio that shows the number of deaths in infected cases over the total number of infected cases.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention