Friday, February 7, 2025, 3:59 PM
Site: Extension Foundation Online Campus
Course: Avian Influenza Biosecurity for Youth and 4-H Members (Avian Influenza Biosecurity for Youth and 4-H Members)
Glossary: Glossary/Acronyms
Endemic Disease that is natural to or characteristic of a specific place. |
VaccinationThe introduction of a weakened or killed microbe into the body in order to stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies against that microbe, thereby preventing disease upon next exposure. |
NMHMNational Museum of Health and Medicine |
FEMAFederal Emergency Management Agency |
Pandemic When disease is prevalent throughout an entire country, continent, or the whole world. |
Antigen Any substance that can stimulate the production of antibodies and combine specifically with them. |
CloacaThe common cavity into which the intestinal, urinary, and reproductive canals open in birds. |
ConjunctivitisInflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the exposed portion of the eyeball and inner surface of the eyelids. |
CyanosisBlueness of the skin, as from imperfectly oxygenated blood. |
Epidemic When a disease temporarily affects many people at the same time in one location where it is not usually prevalent. |