Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 1:35 PM
Site: Extension Foundation Online Campus
Course: Avian Influenza Biosecurity for Youth and 4-H Members (Avian Influenza Biosecurity for Youth and 4-H Members)
Glossary: Glossary/Acronyms
PPEPersonal Protective Equipment |
ProphylacticPreventive or protective. |
QuarantineAn imposed time period of isolation usually to prevent the spread of a disease. |
RatitesLarge flightless birds such as ostriches and emus. |
RenderingHigh temperatures and pressure break down animal remains. This requires transportation off site but recycles carcasses into reusable protein feed. |
ReservoirThe long-term host of a pathogen that remains asymptomatic from the disease it carries. |
RT-PCR Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction |
SITCSmuggling Interdiction and Trade Compliance Agency |
SurveillanceThe ongoing observation and collection of data which leads to action being taken to prevent and control a disease. |
USDAUnited States Department of Agriculture |