Fingerplays and Songs for Child Care

Wondering where to find the words and actions to your favorite children's songs, rhymes, and fingerplays? You can find lots of great ideas here.

  • Click the View List tab and you will get a listing of all titles in alphabetical order.
  • Click the View Single tab and you will get more details on a specific fingerplay, song, or rhyme.
  • Click the Search tab and you will be able to look for specific fingerplays, songs, and rhymes by title or type.

Type of Activity:

Title: A-Tisket, A-Tasket
Type of Activity: Song
Activity File: PDF document A Tisket A Tasklet.pdf

Title: Are You Sleeping?
Type of Activity: Song
Activity File: PDF document Are_You_Sleeping.pdf

Title: As High As A House
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document As_High_as_a_House.pdf

Title: As Light as a Feather
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document As_Light_as_a_Feather.pdf

Title: Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
Type of Activity: Song
Activity File: PDF document Baa_Baa_Black_Sheep.pdf

Title: Big Clocks
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document Big_Clocks.pdf

Title: Bubble Dance
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document Bubble_Dance.pdf

Title: Bubbles Are Floating
Type of Activity: Song
Activity File: PDF document Bubbles_Are_Floating.pdf

Title: Charley Barley
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document Charley_Barley.pdf

Title: Choo, Choo
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document Choo_Choo.pdf

Title: Clap Your Hands
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document Clap_Your_Hands.pdf

Title: Did You Ever See A Lassie?
Type of Activity: Song
Activity File: PDF document Did You Ever See A Lassie.pdf

Title: Do Your Ears Hang Low?
Type of Activity: Song
Activity File: PDF document Do Your Ears Hang Low.pdf

Title: Dog Barking at the Moon
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document Dog_Barking_at_the_Moon.pdf

Title: Down by the Station
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document Down_by_the_Station.pdf

Title: Duke of New York
Type of Activity: Song
Activity File: PDF document Duke_of_New_York.pdf

Title: Fee, Fie, Foe, Fum
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document Fee_Fie_Foe_Fum.pdf

Title: Fingers Up and Fingers Down
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document Fingers_Up_and_Fingers_Down.pdf

Title: Five Little Birds
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document Five_Little_Birds.pdf

Title: Five Little Chickadees
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document Five_Little_Chickadees.pdf

Title: Five Little Clowns
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document Five_Little_Clowns.pdf

Title: Five Little Ducks
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document Five_Little_Ducks.pdf

Title: Five Little Jack-O-Lanterns
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document Five_Little_Jack-O-Lanterns.pdf

Title: Five Little Kittens
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document Five_Little_Kittens.pdf

Title: Five Little Monkeys
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document Five_Little_Monkeys.pdf

Title: Five Little Soldiers
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document Five_Little_Soldiers.pdf

Title: Five Little Squirrels
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document Five_Little_Squirrels.pdf

Title: Five Rabbits Hiding
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document Five_Rabbits_Hiding.pdf

Title: Five Red Apples
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document Five_Red_Apples.pdf

Title: Five Yellow Bananas
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document Five_Yellow_Bananas.pdf

Title: Georgie Porgie
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document Georgie Portie.pdf

Title: Golden Slumbers
Type of Activity: Song
Activity File: PDF document Golden_Slumbers.pdf

Title: Grandma's Glasses
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document Grandmas_Glasses.pdf

Title: Hands Upon My Head
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document Hands_Upon_My_Head.pdf

Title: Head and Shoulders
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document Head_Shoulders_Knees_and_Toes.pdf

Title: Hear the Engine Puff
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document Hear_the_Engine_Puff.pdf

Title: Here Comes My Lady
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document Here_Comes_My_Lady.pdf

Title: Here is My Book
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document Here_is_My_Book.pdf

Title: Here is the Beehive
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document Here_is_the_Beehive.pdf

Title: Here is the Chimney
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document Here_is_the_Chimney.pdf