Standards of Conduct

scaleStandards of conduct refer to the basic legal rules that apply to all employees and officials. These rules are designed to provide practical day-to-day guidance for employees and officials as they fulfill their public duties. The city Code of Ethics states that employees and officials must:

    • act morally and honestly in discharging their responsibilities,
    • discharge their duties impartially and fairly, and,
    • not use their position to secure any financial interest or personal interest, improperly influence any other official or employee in the performance of official duties, or act in a private capacity on matters for which they are directly responsible.

For example, employees and officials are not permitted the use of city-owned vehicles, equipment, material, or the use of other city resources for personal use. In addition, no city automobile can be used by a city employee or official going to or from home, except when such use is for the benefit of the city, such as when an employee is on call outside of the employee’s working hours.

Quick Links:
City of Bozeman Ethics Handbook, version 4
City of Bozeman Code of Ethics
Montana Code Annotated, Code of Ethics