Chapter 3

Post-Employment Activities

paperCity employees and officials are subject to specific rules that apply to post-employment activities. City employees and officials may not, for 12 months following the date on which they cease to be a public servant, do any of the following without proper public disclosure:  (a) make any formal or informal appearance before, or negotiate with any decision maker on regarding a transaction or matter which was under the former public servant's direct responsibility or which the former public servant participated personally and substantially; or (b) represent or act or appear on behalf of an individual or entity other than the city in connection with a transaction or matter in which was under the former public servant's direct responsibility or which the former public servant participated personally and substantially as a public servant.

 The public disclosure should be made with the city clerk and with the city attorney not less than ten (10) business days prior to the appearance a written public notice of the purpose for which the former public servant wishes to act and the responsibility the former public servant held over the transaction or matter or the nature of the former public servant’s participation in the transaction or matter. The city clerk shall post the written notice in a prominent publicly accessible location on the city’s website.  Further, at the onset of the appearance, the former public servant must orally disclose to the decision maker all offices or employment held by the former public servant while serving the city and the responsibility the former public servant held over the transaction or matter or the nature of the former public servant’s participation in the transaction or matter.

If the former public servant cannot reasonably meet the 10-day written notice requirement, then the appearance before a decision maker may only be at a duly noticed public meeting.

Quick Links:
City of Bozeman Ethics Handbook, version 4
City of Bozeman Code of Ethics
Montana Code Annotated, Code of Ethics