Extension Foundation Online Campus
搜索结果: 1
Project TRIP: Transforming Relationships Through Intergenerational Programs is an online course for staff members of both adult and child care service providers interested in implementing intergenerational programs. The purpose of this course is to present emerging best practices associated with intergenerational programs. Intergenerational programs are those that connect younger and older generations to foster positive experiences. Research continues to grow, noting that when successfully delivered, intergenerational programs result in positive health effects, child learning, and appropriate socialization for both young and old. This is a self-paced course. You may start at any time, and there is no time limit for completion.
For more information or to enroll please contact:
Shannon Jarrott, Professor of Social Work, The Ohio State University (jarrott.1@osu.edu)
OR Karen DeBord, Extension Specialist, Family and Human Development, Virginia Tech (kdebord@exchange.vt.edu)