2024 WV Farmer's Market Nutrition Progam/WIC Training

The Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program provides fresh, unprocessed fruits, vegetables, and herbs to eligible participants. Eligible Participants include seniors over 60 years old who are at/under 185% of the federal poverty line. The West Virginia Department of Agriculture (WVDA) authorizes farmers, farmers markets, farm stands, and local farmer cooperatives to accept SFMNP benefits in exchange for locally grown, unprocessed fresh fruits and vegetables in counties where SFMNP is operating. Eligible participants take their benefits to authorized farmers, farmers markets, farm stands, or local farmer cooperatives and redeem them for produce.
This is a required training for WV Farmer's Market Vendors and Markets to accept these benefits. You MUST complete sections 1 and 3 and the quiz in order to earn your completion certificate. You must have your certificate by May 15th.
This course should take no longer than 1 hour to complete and may be completed in multiple sessions.
- Teacher: Maggie Blankenship
- Teacher: Leslie Boggess
- Teacher: Karen Cox